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IDE 621: The Prism

A Knowledge Base

KB Front Page.v2.png

Project Summary

Title: The Prism: Amber A. Walton's Knowledge Base


Context: A final project for course IDE 621: Principles of Instruction and Learning


Author(s): Amber A. Walton


IDD&E Competency: Professional Foundations (2) Apply research and theory to the discipline of instructional design.




 This final course project assignment sought to describe my own understanding of each of the three learning theories and their associated instructional design theories as covered in class.  The front page also demonstrates my understanding of the relationships among learning theories and among their respective instructional design theories.  Infographics, example learning situations, observation checklists, and reflection essays, plus a final synthesis thought paper, comprise each section of my Knowledge Base.



Though we were given very specific guidelines to follow about the content we were required to include in our Knowledge Base websites, we were also given a great amount of freedom to use our creativity to represent (with visuals, text, and sound) our own understanding of learning theories and associated instructional design theories.  Using the concept of a prism was creatively exciting for me.  I am proud of the metaphor and proud of the way this concept depicted my personal resonance with a cognitivist perspective of learning.  Bright colors, compelling graphics, and thought-provoking links to outside resources were all strong features of this project, as was the opportunity to compose deep, candid reflections.



The project required the gathering and manipulation of a great number of graphics.  Selecting the best image possible for each of the pages was challenging, especially without access to a comprehensive bank of free-for-use images, or a budget to purchase graphics.  Organizing the content and applying design decisions consistently across all pages was challenging.  The bulk of my time was spent identifying the most meaningful content and weaving it together for a cohesive, logical, and comprehensive presentation.  Time management was a very important skill to consider for this project, a skill which remains an area of focus for my continued professional development.

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